
Eat Well

Love More

Stress Less

Move More


What Participants & Providers Are Saying About Ornish Lifestyle Medicine

The Ornish Lifestyle Medicine is offered by a team of dedicated, caring, compassionate, and highly competent health care professionals who work directly with participants to provide not only the information but also the support needed to make and maintain lasting changes in lifestyle. These include a physician, nurse, exercise physiologist, registered dietitian, stress management specialist and group support facilitator.

Almost 90% of the people who enroll in this 9-week program are still following it one year later. In contrast, only 30-50% of people prescribed cholesterol-lowering drugs are still taking them after only six months.

Why? Because most people feel so much better, so quickly, it reframes the reason for making these changes from fear of dying to joy of living.


“We see patients with hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity and even somewhat depressed. Within the first 2-3 weeks, we see reversals. We see decreases in blood pressure; we see decreases in their sugar. We see improvements with their mental outlook; we see them smiling and enjoying the program. Not even halfway through the program, we’re seeing dramatic improvements in our participants as they go through the program. When I found out about the program and what it does, I thought this is finally an opportunity to really get to the root of why people are getting sick and to really make a difference in people’s lives rather than just putting a band aid on them and passing them along”

____ Ornish Network Providers

“It was devastating! Six of my arteries were blocked; I had major surgery on my heart and they replaced all six of the arteries. I felt like this was my opportunity to change my life. Since my heart attack, I’ve lost 30 pounds. I feel like I’m being regenerated from the inside-out. It makes me know that I’m going to be ok”

____ Kenneth, Ornish Lifestyle Medicine Participant

“I’ve had 2 heart attacks and a defibrillator. I felt miserable; I felt very handicapped. I couldn't do normal things that a normal person could do. It was horrible; I couldn't do laundry, dishes or function at all. My doctor told me that he had taken me as far as he could, that there was no more medicine or further procedures to help me. This lifestyle program is what you need. In the very first week, the neuropathy in my legs disappeared; I was seeing change I couldn't have imagined. You go through life and you make choices, and I chose to do this lifestyle now. I’ve lost 19 pounds and I’m able to do things I haven't been able to do for years. My heart has joy now where it didn't. I’ll never go back to eating and living the way I did. I feel amazing!”

____ Janet, Ornish Lifestyle Medicine Participant

“We had a horrible car accident which precipitated a heart attack that dropped my cardiac function down to 11-15% of what it should have been. It resulted in intractable chest pain, trouble breathing, and an inability to walk from room to room. I was offered a heart transplant as the only way to stay alive. Despite not believing in this program, it worked beyond my wildest dreams. I’m now able to exercise moderately; I can work full-time. I can live at six thousand feet and my quality of life is actually better than it was before.”

____ Robert, Ornish Lifestyle Medicine Participant